Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It Ain't Easy Being Green

This weekend the morning sickness (which is really 7 AM - 5 PM sickness) seemed to be worse. I don't know if it's because I was off my routine, so I didn't have a snack handy like I usually do, or if it truly was worse, but I was just miserable all weekend.

Yes, that's right, on my birthday. I had a lovely time on Saturday morning at breakfast with friends and then a luxurious pedicure - with a paraffin wax! - and then I went home and crashed. Martin and I were supposed to go to a movie that night, but I begged off. I basically slept from 2 pm until I got up and went to bed at 10 pm.

Sunday morning was rough, and although I had my smoothie, I was still so queasy all morning. I had a small lunch, which probably contributed to my queasiness in the afternoon as well. By the time we got home, I was faint, sick, tired, headachy, achy, just plain miserable. Again, I napped the afternoon and evening away.

Monday morning was when I realized that perhaps I was so used to feeling bad that I hadn't noticed that I was really sick. In addition to the nausea and tiredness, I had a sore throat, runny nose, cough and I ached. That's not morning sickness! I stayed home from work, slept until noon, got up and ate, napped, got up to take a shower, almost threw up, ate a popsicle, napped some more, watched a TV movie while my sheets were in the washer/dryer, and went to bed.

This morning, I feel just as lousy. I'm not sure if this is going to be the new "normal" or if I'm still fighting a bug. Either way, I'm ready to feel like myself again!


metromom said...

aw ya big wussy...

Just kidding! Sorry you're feeling junky. Nausea is the worst in the WORLD.

I'm hoping the bug will pass and you'll enjoy the remaining balance of your pregnancy.

Good news= 12 weeks is fast approaching!

Deann said...

I second Noelle's comments:

1) 12 weeks is getting closer
2) being sick is rotten
3) Noelle might have the right to pick on you, as I think she might take the prize home for being sick during a pregnancy!!
4) A new motto you will adopt, especially once the baby is born, is that everything is a stage, and every stage will pass.

Take care and feel better!!