Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 31, 2007

Gettin' Naked

My first thought when I found out that we were not, in fact, going to be having a baby in July, was how many people I had to tell. That thought was so overwhelming... and I'm so glad that many of you have gently and quietly spread the word for us.

My next thought was how much of my life I had to "put back": the maternity clothes, the baby stuff, the books and this blog. I was going to delete it, but Terri said that I shouldn't. This isn't the end of our baby journey. Just a pit stop we didn't anticipate.

So until we can start (more cautiously, I'm sure) celebrating the NEXT one... I'm going to use this to journal my feelings about this journey we're on. And I don't think it's always going to be pretty. It likely won't be what you expect. And I might say things that shock you. But this is my journey, my loss and my journal, so I'm going to "get naked" with my feelings and say what I think.

Humor is a big part of my life. I love to laugh. And I hate to cry. That balance has been out of whack since Friday, but slowly we are getting back to what feels more normal. Last night, I went to see Juno with a group of friends. I wasn't sure how the movie would make me feel, all things considered, and I was pleasantly surprised that although the entire film was about pregnancy, birth and wanting a child, it was handled with such wit and empathy and humor that I thoroughly enjoyed myself. There were moments I could identify with, and it was definitely a chick flick with teary moments, but I really laughed a lot.

I'll write more about this later, but I just want to say that I am overwhelmed by how thankful and blessed I feel right now. The outpouring of love and the friends who stepped up and dropped everything to just be there... it still makes me tear up just thinking about it. We have such wonderful people in our lives. We are so blessed.


Anonymous said...

We're on this journey together, and we're so very proud of the two of you! Happy New Year!

metromom said...

You are an amazing woman betsy...amazing because of who you are...amazing because of "whose" you are....
I am confident that this journey will truly be one that will bring you the desires and hopes of your heart.

I know I will learn from your authenticity, as much as you'll grow from your transparency on this journey...we too will grow with you. We're in this together. I love you and I love you more with each passing glad God brought you and Martin into our lives. 2008....going to be incredible.


The Mac Fam said...

Double ditto to what Noelle wrote. We will be praying for you and Martin. You are amazing people and will be amazing parents. I love you.

Deann said...

We are here for you, via Colorado. I will look forward to reading this journey you are on, knowing as each day passes that you are healing more, even if it is in baby steps.

Anonymous said...

This is so great that you are allowing yourself to be so open for everyone - there are many people out there that can't talk about it to heal. You are amazing, and it will help others too! Although we have only known you a short time, and don't talk often, we are here for you in Tulsa!
Ben & Marcy Bruce

Terri and Mark said...

I like being shocked. So bring it on!