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Monday, March 23, 2009

Home Stretch

We're approaching 38 weeks... and I had a doctor's appointment today. She gave us the green light - Adison can come any time now, everything is ready. The baby has turned head-down. I'm not dilated at all, but things are moving in that direction. She gave us a list of what to look for, when to call, when to head to the hospital, etc. It's really happening.

It's so hard to believe that the squirmy sensation in my belly is going to be a baby in my arms in just a matter of a week or two. (She said hopefully.) It's so hard to imagine how much our lives are going to change in that instant.

I've gained a total of 21 pounds now. It doesn't look larger to me, but all of my maternity tank tops no longer fully reach the bottom of the belly.

We're still making final prep on the nursery - Martin needs to finish the closet, and the curtains/crib bumper/ruffle need to be installed - and I need to figure out exactly what decorations should go on the walls besides just paint. But we're ready. As ready as we can be!

Here's a question for you moms - as I pack for the hospital, I am wondering what I need that I'm not thinking of. Any advice? Anything that will prove invaluable? What do I have to have for the first few days that we're home?


Anonymous said...

Patience with yourself and expect roller coaster emotions. Sleep when the baby sleeps! As far as stuff...not much, food & comfortable clothes for you. Although if you are breast feeding you will not want anything touching them and Lansinoh Cream! You are loved! We are so excited for you both!

The Mac Fam said...

One thing I loved when we were first home was a small basket that had diapers, wipes, cream and essentials for changing so I didn't have to run in the nursery every time. There are so many in the early days and most of the time you don't wanna get off the couch. It was my favorite thing.

Anonymous said...

How exciting! If your nursing take your boppy pillow, it makes it so much easier. When you get home, you'll want to be super mom and never miss a second of anything but you have to heal yourself during this time. Sleep when the baby sleeps, housework can wait, and absolutely accept peoples help for the first few days. Can't wait to see pictures. Early Congrats!!

Love Danyelle Broxson

Sarah said...

I brought my own pillow b/c I can't sleep without it! If you do, use a colored pillow case, so they don't accidentally take it. At the hospital, in Raleigh, they would keep the baby in the nursery at night for you. They would bring you the baby every 3 hours, so you could feed him/her. My theory was that I should get a few hours sleep, while someone was willing to watch the baby at night. When you get home, you won't have that luxury. Take advantage of any help that they will give you. They will load up a cart full of diapers and other useful items and put it in your room. You can take home the extra diapers and things. Talk to your nurse and find out what you are allowed to take. Some hospitals will let you take linens, too. Mine did not. You will be surprised at how much they'll give you.

I wish you the best. I hope labor is quick and easy!! I look forward to seeing pictures!