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Friday, January 18, 2008

My Feet Show It

Those of you who know Martin and my dating story know that it was not a simple, easy or straight path. We had a few roadblocks, dead ends and one big pothole.

In times of sadness, stress and frustration, you learn some things about yourself. I once heard someone say that people are like ketchup packets: until you squeeze them, you don't know what's really inside. Well, among other things, I found that a really lousy poet is inside me. When I feel rotten, I write rotten poetry. Our dating saga produced some doozies. I sure hope that I threw them away...

After a particularly hard night last week, this is what came to me. Enjoy, or not, as it is truly terrible.

My Womb

Is an empty tomb; the tiny body spirited away.
Is an unoccupied room; the little one couldn't stay.
Is a garden without bloom;... something that ends in "day"?
That's as far as I got. It's been in my Drafts folder for over a week, and I finally
decided that there was no more inspiration in that particular well. I hope the laugh you get from my morose and overly simplistic rhyming scheme makes your day better.


metromom said...


Last Line:
In my garden without bloom
Is hope for a new day.

Life's Passionz said...

You are not a terrible poet. I found you poem very sweet - sweet indeed.

Noelle that was good.

I just subscribed to this feed. Do you have a feed on martinbetsy?

Unknown said...

Yup. It's

Terri and Mark said...

last line.. "a place for my yummy lasagna to lay"
Ok, so I suck at poetry too! :) xo