Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 12, 2009

Step 1

Inspired by some people who are really on their nursery-decorating game, we took the first step to get the nursery set up for Adison.

We bought a shed.

No, we are not going to make our infant daughter sleep outside.

Step 1 - get a shed, and get all of the lawn equipment, paint, tools, camping supplies, sports equipment, etc. out of our laundry room storage.

Step 2 - move all production and business equipment out of nursery. We also are using the closet for storage of photos, books, Christmas decorations, etc., which should go in the laundry room storage as well.

Step 3 - move all furniture out of what used to be our guest room.

(intermediate step... we have to find the perfect fabric to make curtains and other items, which will dictate our other bedding and paint colors... which influences our baby registry, so we need to get this done ASAP!!!)

Step 4 - paint, renovate closet, and install baby furniture.

We took a little stab at Step 4 today by purchasing an IKEA bookcase (in brown-black) that will be storage and decoration. We almost bought the crib, but ran into a couple kinks. Nothing's available in-store these days!

It's coming together... slowly!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you explained the purpose in building a shed!