Our baby girl is growing up so fast. I can't believe she's two years old today!
In the last year, Adison has grown up so much! She's so tall and skinny now; she's lost almost all her baby cheeks and belly fat. She is potty trained. She's got 16 teeth now. She weighs 27 pounds. She can count to 20, although she skips 8 and 18. She has over 280 words or phrases (I've been keeping a list!), and loves to chat and sing. She even talks in her sleep. She loves to color and draw. She's very friendly, usually, to everyone but older people (grandmas and grandpas) in particular.
She still loves bath time, although hates to wash her hair. Brushing her teeth is also a favorite, and she currently owns 6 toothbrushes. She has great boundaries about bows in the hair (almost never allowed), and works really hard some days not to wear clothes, either. (Mommy always wins in the end.)
We love to interact with her every day. She's just hilarious, intentionally and not. She loves an audience and will ham it up if anyone is paying attention to her. She still loves a good game of peek-a-boo.
It's been so much fun to see her evolve socially. She truly has friends now. Her best friends (and worst enemies) are the dogs. But she also enjoys the company of her human friends, even if the boys do play pretty rough with her.
There's lots of drama these days as well. Not too many tantrums, but she will drop her head if she's sad or disappointed, and her whole body droops. She'll lay face down on the floor in protest of anything she doesn't like. And she shows surprise with both hands on her cheeks--so stinkin' cute.
She loves the outdoors. We go to the park often, where she will swing for as long as we let her. She also loves to climb and slide, and will narrate whatever activity she is doing. "Climb, climb, climb!" "Run, run, run!" She has a tricycle that she gets pushed on -- still hasn't figured out the pedals, although she tries!
What can we say? We adore her more every day. We thank God that he gave us such a perfect little piece of heaven to hold onto for him.
We are honored to be your parents, Adison Nicole Leeuwner! We love you. "Happy to you."
Mommy & Daddy
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
730 Days Later
Labels: Milestones, Updates
Saturday, May 22, 2010
She's Walking!!!
Adison stood up on her own for the first (well, second, but the first time was a fluke and not repeated again for a long time) time on Mother's Day. Then she started launching herself from one place to the next. Now, she's standing up and then walking, 10 steps or more, from one side of the room to the other! We're so proud of our girl...
Labels: Firsts, Milestones, Pictures
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Happy First Birthday!
Today, at 10:41 pm, Adison Nicole will be one!
She's had so many changes and accomplishments this year. She started driving, perfected her swordsmanship, and is reading.OK, not really. But it has been a great year!
We have our one-year appointment later today, so I'm not sure how tall she is, but she's 22.2 pounds, and wearing 18 month pants!
She has two teeth--just got them in the last month or so!--and loves to brush them! We often put her to bed with her toothbrush because she refuses to give it up after bath time.
She loves music, to sing and dance. She's got great rhythm and Martin hopes that she'll be a drummer.
She loves her Daddy! She likes to talk on the phone and on Skype (on the big screen!) when he's away. She's a tough little cookie--we call her Danger Girl--because she loves to be thrown and dropped and in all sorts of ways be wild! Daddies are great for that.
She's so affectionate, always giving kisses. She's a very content and happy girl. She's a total clown and will do anything for a laugh. She loves watching videos of herself, and laughs at herself. She's amazing.
She eats just about anything, except for fruit. We can't seem to find anything she likes! She'll eat almost anything once (except for oranges), but then she will refuse it later. Her favorite foods are pickles, avocados, and chili. She decided about 5 months ago that she didn't want to eat anything she couldn't feed herself, so mealtime is always a big mess!
Bath time is still her favorite time, and we have lots of fun splashing to scare the dogs.
She has a million nicknames, the most popular being "Goose" (Daddy) and "Bug" (Mommy). She's also called Adi, Adi Bug, Funny Face, Milk Face, Cute Butt, Whiney Butt, and anything else that seems appropriate at the time.
She's a total night owl, and often doesn't go to bed until 10:30 or 11. In the last two weeks, she's changed her whole routine and now goes to bed in her crib with a bottle--before, she had to fall asleep with us or in the swing, and would never go to be awake. All of a sudden, she's changed it up. (For you Babywise parents, don't judge. Yes, she goes to bed with a bottle... we're working on it.)
She's crawling, climbing, walking (while holding fingers) and sometimes standing on her own. She jabbers constantly, and can say "Mama", "Daddy", "hiyoo" (hello), ti-tu (thank you), and "ya".
We have truly been blessed with Adison. Happy Birthday!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!
Labels: Firsts, Journey, Martin, Milestones, Pictures
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
One Month to Go!
Our baby girl is 11 months... here's a video of her "growth chair" photos.
Labels: Milestones, Pictures
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
7 Months - Eating Pasta
She still doesn't really like solid foods, as you can see in the video, although she's pretty much decided she's not going to eat baby food, either! She takes lots of bottles and whatever solid food she manages to swallow.
So much personality in such a small package!
Labels: Milestones, Pictures